
Respect for Law Camp is a great opportunity for local youngsters to learn respect for the law by giving them a close-up look at local law enforcement in an action-packed weekend. Learn more.

Law Camp begins on Friday morning, June 21


RFL Staff and Support


The Butler County RESPECT FOR LAW CAMP, sponsored by the Butler County Chiefs of Police Association, is a great opportunity for local youngsters to learn respect for the law by giving them a close-up look at local law enforcement in an action-packed weekend.

Flag_raisingThe camp, held at various locations in Butler County, is three days and two nights of excitement for local children ages 11 to 14. The staff and instructors are federal, state, and local law enforcement personnel, along with fire and rescue personnel.

RESPECT FOR LAW CAMP improves self-esteem and self-confidence while teaching campers self-discipline, self-respect, and most of all, RESPECT FOR LAW.

Law Camp participants live by five pillars during their time at camp: RESPECT, SPIRIT, LEADERSHIP, TEAMWORK, and KINDNESS. It is our hope that these five pillars are something they will leave with and use the rest of their lives.

leaders_handsDuring the week, participants will take part in several activities and watch demonstrations, including these highlights:

  • Rappelling
  • Building searches
  • High and low ropes courses
  • Mock felony car crash
  • Motorcycle and bicycle demonstrations
  • Driving simulator
  • Firearms Training Simulator (FATS)
  • Police and medical aviation
  • SWAT and SRT
  • Bomb squad
  • FBI Pellet Gun Course


Respect for Law Camp is not a military camp or scared straight camp. 


Camp dates for 2025 are June 20, 21, and 22

Respect for Law Camp is three days and two nights of excitement for children from ages 11 to 14.

Camp starts at 7:00 a.m. on Friday, June 20 with in person drop off at a dorm. Graduation will be on Sunday, June 22 at 1:00 p.m. Location for graduation to be announced.