- Current – Gun Raffle starts February 12, 2024 and is going until April 10, 2024.
- All proceeds go to Support the BCCPA, Respect for Law Camp. BCCPA is an Ohio non-profit corporation, recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
- 2024 Sig Sauer 9 mm – 365XCA-9-BXR3-MS.
- Gun provided by Brother in Arms 513.893.4867.
- Drawing will be April 10th, 2024 on the Respect for Law Camp Facebook page at 6:00 p.m.
- Must be Ohio resident or pay for pickup in your state.
- Must be 21 plus able to pass background check.
- One ticket per each $10.00 donation or 6 for $ 50.00.
- Chance of winning is one divided by the number of tickets sold. There is no limit to the number of raffle tickets a participant may purchase.
- Winners have 30 days from the date of the raffle drawing to claim their prizes, or else they shall forfeit all rights and claims thereto.
- Prizes are non-transferable. The person designated on the ticket must claim the prize.
- Winners are solely responsible for all federal, state, and local taxes.
- Winners will be notified by phone that the purchaser has listed on the ticket stub. In the event that BCCPA cannot contact the winner, it is the sole responsibility of the winning ticket holder to contact BCCPA Respect for Law Camp to claim the prize.
- Any person who engages in conduct designed to corrupt the outcome of a charitable gaming activity with the purpose to defraud, or knowing that he is facilitating a fraud, is subject to criminal prosecution under all applicable federal, state, and local laws.
- The BCCPA Respect for Law Camp reserves the right to cancel this raffle at any time, in which event its liability is limited to the refund of ticket prices to participants.
- These official rules may not be waived, modified, or supplemented except by the BCCPA Respect for Law Camp.
- Winning ticket holders must arrange transfer through Brother in Arms, and in accordance with all applicable laws.
- The Camp Director and anyone in their household is not eligible to win. Household member is defined as spouse, child, or person living in the same dwelling.

Sig Sauer P365 9mm XMarco