
Respect for Law Camp is a great opportunity for local youngsters to learn respect for the law by giving them a close-up look at local law enforcement in an action-packed weekend. Learn more.

Law Camp begins on Friday morning, June 21


RFL Staff and Support

Supporter Page

Special thank you to the following for their financial support of the 2023 camp.

AllWealth Federal Credit Union (Silver Donor)

Monroe Police Department (Bronze Donor)

Peterman Bus Service (Bronze Donor)

Refresco (Bronze Donor)

Lemonade Crew (Bronze Donor)

Sheriff Richard K. Jones, Butler Co. Sheriff’s Office

Oxford Lions Club

City of Fairfield FOPA Lodge 97

Fairfield Township Police Department

Richard and Rhoda Meyer

Prosecutor Michael Gmoser, Butler Co. Prosecutors Office

Todd’s IGA

Hilt Custom Carts

Trader’s World

Cabela’s (West Chester)

Monroe Kroger

Donors for 2022

Tom Riegel (Platinum Sponsor)

Hamilton Community Foundation (Gold Sponsor)

Oxford Police Department (Silver Sponsor)

Monroe Police Department (Bronze Sponsor)

Middletown Police Department (Bronze Sponsor)

Woman’s Club of Oxford

Butler Co. Sheriff’s Office


Ross Twp. Police Department

Jamie A. Carazo

Valley View Rentals

Monroe IGA Express

City of Hamilton Water Department

US Army National Guard, 324th MP Unit

Chick-fil-a Fairfield

SDS Pizza & Subs

Pizza Hut Monroe

Trader’s World Flea Market

Butler Tech

City of Monroe Police Dept.

Hilt Custom Golf Carts

Cabela’s Liberty Center